アジア・トレイルズ・カンファレンス(Asia Trails Conference: ATC)は、世界中のウォーキング愛好者が参加する国際的なウォーキングイベントです。期間中、参加者がともに歩き、開催地域の自然や文化、多彩なパフォーマンス、また、食文化を楽しみます。アジア・トレイルズ・カンファレンスは、アジアの代表的なウォーキングイベントと連携して、2年に1回、トレイルや国を変えて開催されます。
会場:大韓民国 チェジュ
2014 ATC-大韓民国 チェジュ
第2 回アジア・トレイルズ・カンファレンス
2015 ATC-日本鳥取県
2015 ATC-日本鳥取県
2019 ATC-大韓民国釜山
2019 ATC-大韓民国釜山
台湾千里歩道協会(TMI Trail)
台湾千里歩道協会(TMI Trail)
ATC LOGOロゴデザインの説明
蕭青陽(ショウ セイヨウ)
高い評価を得るデザイナー、蕭青陽は1966 年生まれで、Fu-Hsin Trade and Arts School の芸術工芸学科を卒業しました。18 歳のとき、蕭さんは新しく設立された San Ger Record & Tape(上格レコード) でグラフィック デザイナーとして働き始め、署名した最初のアーティスト、Sammi Kao (高勝美)のアルバム パッケージをデザインしました。それ以来、彼は 1,000本を超えるアルバム パッケージをデザインし、Song Zuying(宋祖英)、Jay Chou(周杰倫)、Mayday(五月天)、Jody Chiang(江蕙)、Cheer Chen(陳綺貞)、Hsu Wei(許崴)、Han Geng(韓庚) など、有名なアーティストと仕事をしてきました。彼は、最初の中国アルバム パッケージ デザイナーとして、グラミー賞にノミネートされました。
蕭さんは現在、グラミー賞、インディペンデント ミュージック アワード、日本のアンノウン アジアの審査員で、そしてレコーディング アカデミーのメンバーです。彼も『イマジン、マイジェネレーション』の著者です。近年はアルバムのデザインだけでなく、プレイスメイキング、展覧会やイベントの企画、映像制作など、沢山デザインの道を歩んでいます。蕭さんは監督として、2018年の映画「Tamsui-Kavalan Historical and Cultural Trails-淡蘭古道I」は、スペインの世界歩道映画祭(the World Trails Film Festival in Spain)のオープニング作品に選ばれました。 2020年、映画『Tamsui-Kavalan Trails - The Tao of Kung Fu-淡蘭古道II』が日本国際観光映像祭に・グッドフィルム賞受賞、2021年、『Tamsui-Kavalan Trails Trilogy-淡蘭古道III』がポルトガル ART & TUR - 国際観光映画祭(the Portuguese ART & TUR - International Tourism Film Festival)のスポーツ & レジャー部門第1位受賞しました。
蕭さんは今回、第 4 回アジア歩道大会のキー ビジュアル デザイン アーティストです。
ATN Member Introduction
Daegu Green Consumers Network (www.dcgn.org)
Daegu Green Consumers Network has been promoting Green Consumption, Green Transportation and Green Health since 1996. By designing 12 Daegu Olle routes on Palgong Mountain, the Network is trying to secure pedestrian rights or “the right to walk”, and to find a solution for health problems caused by lack of walking in the heavily motorized city of Daegu.
Gubulgil Association (www.gubulgil.com)
Gubulgil in Gunsan, Jeollabukdo Province has 11 courses which wind their ways along every inch of the city. Each course reflects local themes and traits such as migratory birds, rice paddies, reservoirs, modern history and literature of colonial era.
Happy Walking in Busan (www.greenwalking.co.kr)
Happy Walking in Busan started out as a network of 36 civil society organizations and was officially launched in 2009. Its trail name “Galmaetgil”is coined from Busan’s symbolic bird Galmaegi (seagull). There are 9 courses and 20 side tracks in the trail, and the whole track will take roughly 90 hours.
Jeju Olle Foundation (www.jejuolle.org)
Since the opening of its first route in 2007, Jeju Olle Foundation has kept exploring and developing routes encircling Jeju Island. This path has allowed travelers to discover the value and beauty of the island while changing the traveling culture nationwide. Until now, 26 routes, 425km in total, were opened and over 2.7 million visited the trail.
Korean Trails and Culture Foundation (www.tnc.or.kr)
Korean Trails and Culture Foundation was founded by trail experts and cultural figures to maximize positive effects of trail development projects and to foster sound and healthy walking tour culture. KTCF is developing and managing Haeparang Trail, the longest trail in South Korea which stretches out from Oryukdo Sunrise Park in Busan to Unification Observatory in Goseong along the east coast.
Kyushu Olle Certified Council (https://www.welcomekyushu.jp/kyushuolle/)
The Council was launched in February 2014 for repair and maintenance of all routes of the Kyushu Olle Trail and to enhance publicity and information sharing. 21 routes and 20 local offices are serving as council members.
Miyagi Prefecture Tourism Federation (http://www.miyagi-kankou.or.jp/)
Miyagi Prefecture, once the domain of legendary samurai warlord Date Masamune, has 4 routes of Miyagi Olle Trail which boast the majestic Pacific Coast, Naruko Onsen hot spring, Byodonuma Lake, and picturesque bay of Matsushima famous throughout Japan for its beauty.
Mountain Journey China (www.ntscn.com)
Excellent outdoor sports experts of Mountain Journey China has implemented leading role in planning, designing and constructing national mountain-climbing fitness trails system since 2009. China National Trail System currently has 11 trails where people can enjoy mountaineering sports, leisure and entertainment.
Naepo Trail (www.naepotrail.org)
Naepo Trail is a 320km-long trail connecting Buddhist temple ruins, Catholic churches and a number of historical sites involved with Donghak Peasant Movement and Baekje Reconstruction Movement. 26 routes are spread in Naepo area and 4 other cities nearby (Seosan, Dangjin, Hongseong, Yesan) surrounding Gaya Mountain in Northwest Chungnam.
Non-profit Organization Mirai (www.npo-mirai.net)
NPO Mirai is playing a key role in planning and managing of Tottori Walking Resort to contribute to local residents’health enhancement and community invigoration through walking activities. The routes of Tottori Walking Resort are spread over historic Kurayoshi City and its neighboring towns in the middle area of Tottori prefecture.
Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association (https://www.tmitrail.org.tw/en/)
Taiwan Thousand Miles Trail Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Taiwan through a network of hiking trails around the island.
The Pathway Foundation (www.trail.or.kr)
Jirisan Trail encircles Jirisan National Park and has 21 sections, the total distance being 295km. It was conceptualized as the road of retrospection and recollection from the initial proposal of “Jirisan Pilgrimage Trail”for life and peace movement. The Pathway Foundation is developing and managing the trail. Tongyeong Trekking has been supervising a small-scale walking event since September 2011, and it wishes to walk with citizens in search of the pretty roads in every corner of Tongyeong.
TYTREKKING (cafe.daum.net/tytrekking)
The Craftsmen’s Way shows history, culture and art of Tongyeong, a town that has been home to many artists and writers. Tongyeong Trail Culture Network, or TYTREKKING, has been supervising small-scale walking events since 2011, and it wishes to walk with citizens in search of the pretty roads in every corner of Tongyeong.
Yeogang River Trail (www.rivertrail.net)
The beginning of Yeogang River Trail traces back to river preservation efforts in the early 2000s. Its main purpose is to promote ecological value, history and culture of the Namhan River (Yeogang). The trail also runs educational programs like ‘Yeogang River Trail Ecology Lessons’and ‘Yeogang River Trail Eco School’for everyone who loves the river.
Gangnueng Baugil Foundation (www.baugil.org)
Named after “bau”in Gangwon dialect which means “rock”, Baugil links mountains in Baekdudaegan Range and port towns on the east coast of Gangwon Province. The trail features Geumgang Pine Tree forests where people can enjoy therapeutic walks.
Great Baikal Trail (https://en.greatbaikaltrail.org/)
The Great Baikal Trail is a non-profit organization founded in 2004 in Irkutsk, Russia. Its missions are the development of ecotourism and the cultivation of a socially-responsible society through the organization of volunteers and educational projects. The main idea behind the Great Baikal Trail is to build the first system of environmentally sensitive trails in all of Russia.
Jinan Gowongil (http://cafe.daum.net/jinanmasil)
Jinan Gowongil has 15 sections in Jinan Gowon (highlands), which is nicknamed “the roof of Jeolla Province”for its average altitude being 400m over sea level. The trail is a counterclockwise course starting from Mt. Maisan Provincial Park and circling around Yongdam Lake shaped by one of the biggest dams in South Korea.
Korean Trails Association (http://cafe.daum.net/koreantrails)
Korean Trails Association (KTA) is a specialized gathering of 26 trail institutions and organizations in Korea. KTA puts its significance on sharing information and knowledge, planning and running trail related events, and creating general manual for trail management. As a representative of Korean trails, KTA is also working with Asia Trails Network and World Trails Network.
Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization (www.welcomekyushu.jp)
Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization strives for improvement and promotion of tourism in the region with 7 prefectures of Kyushu, membership organizations, and a number of interested parties. Its strategical approach centers on attracting tourists from other major cities in Japan and East Asia.
Ulaanbaatar City Tourism Department (https://tourism.ub.gov.mn)
Ulaanbaatar City Tourism Department provides administrative services to tourists visiting Mongolia’s capital and its outskirts. Currently, two routes of Mongol Olle Trail are respectively located in the foot of Mt. Bogdkhan and Mt. Terelj, both of which are designated as national parks.
Trans Bhutan Trail (https://www.transbhutantrail.com/)
The Trans Bhutan Trail is a 403km route, spanning from Haa in the West of Bhutan to Trashigang in the East. It is considered one of the world’s greatest walks and one of the best hiking routes in Asia.